How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (2025)

You can easily make infinite water with two existing water sources in Minecraft. But many players have always been confused as to why you cannot do the same with lava, even though it can be quite useful. It wasn’t even possible to get infinite lava in Minecraft just a couple of updates ago. However, thanks to pointed dripstone blocks, you can easily multiply lava sources and make your life easier in Minecraft. So, in this guide, let’s see how to make a lava farm in Minecraft right away.

Table of Contents

What You Need to Make a Lava Farm

We will be making a simple eight-block-long lava farm. You can expand it later to fit your needs by making multiple rows of this farm or building upon the first section. To make a lava farm, you will need the following resources:

  • Inflammable building blocks (8 + 18)
  • 8 Pointed dripstone
  • 8 Cauldrons
  • 8 Lava buckets
How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (7)

As you can assume based on the resources above, we will be duplicating lava from existing sources into cauldrons with the help of pointed dripstone blocks. You can make this farm as big or as small as you want. You’ll also be able to expand it with the same resources in the future.

Steps to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft

Now, once you have collected all the materials, you can start making the lava farm with the steps below.

  • First, place eight cauldrons side by side in a row.
How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (8)
  • Then, place eight inflammable building blocks one block above the cauldrons.
How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (9)
  • Attach the pointed dripstone block to the underside of those blocks.
How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (10)
  • After that, you will need to take the rest of the building blocks and surround the area just above the blocks with pointed dripstone attached to them. We’re essentially making a holding area for the lava.
How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (11)

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  • Finally, add all eight lava sources above each of the cauldrons inside the holding area. Pay attention not to miss-click and place two lava sources on the same block, as you’ll then have to go and collect more lava. Also, it’s essential to have lava sources and not flowing lava above the cauldrons. Lava will be duplicated only in that way.
How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (12)
  • You can then block off the lava from above, just in case you don’t accidentally fly into it with your elytra.
  • All that’s left to do at this point is wait. After some time, the cauldrons will be filled with lava, which you can take out using the bucket.

Why Do You Need a Lava Farm in Minecraft?

Lava is not as essential as water is, but you still need it quite often. With this lava farm, you’ll be able to create infinite fuel for your smelting or cooking needs. Moreover, lava is a vital ingredient in some redstone farms. Whether it’s for killing iron golems in the iron farm or producing cobblestone with the cobblestone generator, you need lava for it.

It’s also possible to use lava as a trash can. Whatever you throw into it will burn. However, due to the noise players usually opt for cactus, since it can even destroy netherite. But, you can then use lava in certain other ways thanks to this sound effect, like for a build of sorts.

Moreover, the lava block itself can be used as a building feature. You can make lava tubes with stained glass or a massive lava pool in your base or outside to keep it protected. Not only that, but lava can also help you pull off a huge prank, as long as lava doesn’t destroy anything important.

Another quite obvious property of lava is that it emits a light level of 15. This makes it one of the light source blocks in the game. So with it, you and your base will be pretty safe, as long as you don’t fall into it or have made the entire base out of wood. So as you can see, you can do all sorts of things with lava, so having a lava farm is rather useful.

Just like that, you now know how to make a lava farm, and therefore, get infinite lava in Minecraft. So if you’ve got some pointed dripstone, iron, and a lava pool near your base, you know what to do. If you’re struggling with some resources, feel free to go through our Minecraft biomes guide to see exactly where to find the pointed dripstone blocks.

When it comes to the cauldrons, your best bet is to make an iron farm, which we also have a guide on. With that, waste no more time and create infinite lava right away!

Is lava renewable in Minecraft?

Yes, lava is renewable thanks to this lava farm design. You can make infinite lava and destroy all the other lava sources in your world if you don’t need it.

How do you collect lava from a cauldron automatically?

Dispensers cannot retract the lava from a cauldron in any way, so the player is necessary for manually collect lava. However, there is a way you can automate this, but it’s pretty complex.

You can make a rail track around cauldrons and have the player travel over them in a minecart and hold down right-click. You can also set up the collection system underneath to collect the lava buckets. This setup will allow you to go fully AFK and still collect lava.

How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (13)

How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (14)

Radojka Travar

I'm a gaming enthusiast with a strong passion for writing. My expertise lies in creating simple, to the point and clear content teaching you about various features, mechanics and community-based inventions related to Minecraft. In spare time, I love flying around in my Minecraft world and exploring stories of other pixelated games.

How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (15)How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (16)

How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (17)How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (18)

How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft (2025)


How to Make a Lava Farm in Minecraft? ›

Lava farm. In order to build a lava farm, you need to have a contained lava source with a pointed dripstone block set underneath the block under the lava source and a cauldron beneath the pointed dripstone block. Presumably the blocks used to contain the lava should be non-flammable.

Can you make a magma farm in Minecraft? ›

A magma cube farm is rather similar to a slime farm, meaning that if you've made a slime farm, making a magma cube farm should be a little easier than it would be otherwise. The following is a list of the differences between the two farms: Differently-made spawning areas. Portal rooms.

Why isn't my lava farm working? ›

Note that the farm will not work if there is any block other than air between the dripstone and the cauldron. It will also not work if the lava source is not immediately above the block in which the stalactite is attached or the stalactite itself is more than ten blocks high.

Can lava drip through any block? ›

Lava above a non-transparent block (does not include stairs, fences, and slabs) produces dripping particles on the underside of that block. These droplets do not do anything other than warn the player that a deluge of lava lies above that block.

Can you make a fully automatic farm Minecraft? ›

This Minecraft guide will detail a step-by-step walkthrough for building an automated farm in Minecraft, whether it be to harvest wheat, potatoes, carrots, or more. In this guide, we'll also detail some of the best community-made automated farms that can help you gather resources much more efficiently.

Can dispensers pick up lava from cauldrons? ›

When a dispenser has a bucket and there is a filled cauldron infront of it, then it should be able to take water/lava out of it when powered.

Can you harvest lava in Minecraft? ›

Close in the area around the top of the block so the lava can't escape and leave a space in the middle directly above the block, pointed dripstone, and cauldron. Dump a bucket of lava into the hole. It'll take a bit, but the cauldron will slowly fill with lava until you can harvest it with a bucket.

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Simply take any pickaxe and go mining in the nether The nether has a ton of magma blocks lying around near lava lakes and basalt delta biomes. You can get unlimited magma blocks through this method.

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Also, since large magma cubes are slightly wider than 2 blocks, and mobs spawn at the center of a block, having any block within the 3×2.1x3 area, even as thin as a glass pane, can prevent a magma cube of any size from spawning.

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In the Overworld, use a strider to ride on a lava lake for a distance of 50 meters from the point where the ride starts.

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If there is a lava source above the pointed dripstone stalactite, there is a 15256 (~5.9%) chance for it to completely fill an empty cauldron within 10 blocks under the tip with lava after a random tick. This lava can then be scooped with a bucket, making it a renewable resource.


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