1. --Press "H" to toggle aimbot, press "E" to toggle fly, press "Right Alt" to toggle ESP

  2. Credit to PresidentIvan--

  3. _G.FRIEND_LIST = {"ROBLOX","builderman"} --Add players you want to ignore

  4. _G.IGNORE_TEAM = true

  5. _G.START_AIMBOT = Enum.KeyCode.H

  6. _G.MAX_DIST = 5000

  7. _G.TARGET_PART = "Head"

  8. _G.START_ESP = Enum.KeyCode.RightAlt

  9. _G.PREFIX = "/e " --If you want a space between the command and pref, you need to type a space! Ex: /ehelp . /e help

  10. local startTime = tick()

  11. local AIMBOT = false

  12. local EspEnabled = false

  13. local Players = game:GetService("Players")

  14. local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")

  15. local CoreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui")

  16. local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")

  17. local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

  18. local plr = Players.LocalPlayer

  19. local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

  20. local mouse = plr:GetMouse()

  21. local newray =

  22. local function RandomCharacters(length)

  23. local STR = ''

  24. for i = 1, length do

  25. STR = STR .. string.char(math.random(65,90))

  26. end

  27. return STR

  28. end

  29. local faces = {

  30. "Back",

  31. "Bottom",

  32. "Front",

  33. "Left",

  34. "Right",

  35. "Top"

  36. }

  37. local EspObjects ="Folder")

  38. EspObjects.Parent = CoreGui

  39. EspObjects.Name = RandomCharacters(8)

  40. local function SendMessage(txt,title,dur,size,color)

  41. print(txt)

  42. StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage",{

  43. Text = txt,

  44. Color = color,

  45. FontSize = size

  46. })

  47. StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification",{

  48. Title = title,

  49. Text = txt,

  50. Duration = dur

  51. })

  52. end

  53. local function ChangeColor(player, color)

  54. if EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player) then

  55. for i,v in pairs(EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player):GetChildren()) do

  56. if v:IsA("SurfaceGui") then

  57. for _,x in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do

  58. if x:IsA("Frame") then

  59. x.BackgroundColor3 = color

  60. end

  61. end

  62. elseif v:IsA("BillboardGui") then

  63. for _,x in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do

  64. if x:IsA("TextLabel") then

  65. x.TextColor = color

  66. end

  67. end

  68. end

  69. end

  70. end

  71. end

  72. local function GetClosestPlayer(returnPlr,ignoreList)

  73. ignoreList = _G.FRIEND_LIST

  74. returnPlr = returnPlr or false

  75. local ignoreTeam = _G.IGNORE_TEAM

  76. local maxdist = _G.MAX_DIST

  77. local targetpart = _G.TARGET_PART

  78. if ignoreTeam == true then

  79. if #game:GetService("Teams"):GetChildren() <= 1 then

  80. ignoreTeam = false

  81. end

  82. if plr.Neutral == true then

  83. ignoreTeam = false

  84. end

  85. end

  86. local temp1 = (maxdist)

  87. local FoundPlr

  88. local FoundPart

  89. local Table = game.Players:GetPlayers()

  90. for _,v in pairs(Table) do

  91. local skip = false

  92. for _,i in pairs(ignoreList) do

  93. if i:lower() == v.Name:lower() then

  94. skip = true

  95. end

  96. end

  97. if ignoreTeam == true then

  98. if v.Team == plr.Team then

  99. skip = true

  100. end

  101. end

  102. if v.Character == nil or v.Character:FindFirstChild(targetpart) == nil then

  103. skip = true

  104. end

  105. if skip == false then

  106. if (temp1 ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(targetpart) and plr.Character ~= nil and plr.Character:FindFirstChild(targetpart)) then

  107. if temp1 > (plr.Character.Head.Position - v.Character:FindFirstChild(targetpart).Position).magnitude then

  108. local vChar = v.Character

  109. if vChar:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then

  110. local vHuman = vChar:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

  111. if vHuman.Health > 0 then

  112. local dist = (plr.Character.Head.Position - vChar:FindFirstChild(targetpart).Position).magnitude

  113. if dist <= maxdist then

  114. local ray = newray(plr.Character.Head.CFrame.p, (vChar:FindFirstChild(targetpart).CFrame.p - plr.Character.Head.CFrame.p).unit * _G.MAX_DIST)

  115. local hitPart,position = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray,plr.Character)

  116. if hitPart then

  117. if hitPart:IsDescendantOf(vChar) then

  118. temp1 = dist

  119. FoundPlr = v

  120. FoundPart = vChar:FindFirstChild(targetpart)

  121. end

  122. end

  123. end

  124. end

  125. end

  126. end

  127. end

  128. end

  129. end

  130. if returnPlr == false then

  131. return FoundPart

  132. elseif returnPlr == true then

  133. return FoundPlr

  134. end

  135. end

  136. local function CreateEspBox(pObj, color)

  137. if (pObj:IsA("Part") and pObj.Parent:IsA("Model") and pObj.Parent ~= workspace) then

  138. for i,v in pairs(EspObjects:GetChildren()) do

  139. if v.Name == pObj.Parent.Name then

  140. return nil

  141. end

  142. end

  143. local newFlder ="Folder")

  144. newFlder.Parent = EspObjects

  145. newFlder.Name = pObj.Parent.Name

  146. for i,v in pairs(faces) do

  147. local surfGui ="SurfaceGui")

  148. surfGui.AlwaysOnTop = true

  149. surfGui.Adornee = pObj

  150. surfGui.Face = v

  151. local frme ="Frame")

  152. frme.Size =,0,1,0)

  153. frme.BackgroundColor3 = color

  154. frme.BackgroundTransparency = .5

  155. frme.BorderSizePixel = 0

  156. frme.Parent = surfGui

  157. surfGui.Parent = newFlder

  158. end

  159. local bbGui ="BillboardGui")

  160. bbGui.Adornee = pObj

  161. bbGui.Size =,0,1.75,0)

  162. bbGui.ExtentsOffset =,2.5,0)

  163. bbGui.AlwaysOnTop = true

  164. local txtLab ="TextLabel")

  165. txtLab.Text = pObj.Parent.Name

  166. txtLab.TextColor3 = color

  167. txtLab.TextScaled = false

  168. txtLab.TextSize = 17

  169. txtLab.Size =,0,1,0)

  170. txtLab.BackgroundTransparency = 1

  171. txtLab.BorderSizePixel = 0

  172. txtLab.Parent = bbGui

  173. bbGui.Parent = newFlder

  174. local objPar ="ObjectValue")

  175. objPar.Value = pObj

  176. objPar.Parent = newFlder

  177. objPar.Name = "pObj"

  178. return newFlder

  179. end

  180. return nil

  181. end

  182. local function ClearEsp()

  183. EspObjects:ClearAllChildren()

  184. end

  185. local function ConnectEsp(player)

  186. local func1

  187. local func2

  188. if player.Character ~= nil and player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then

  189. if plr.Team == nil or player.Team == nil or plr.Neutral == true or player.Neutral == true then

  190. local fldr = CreateEspBox(player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head"), Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0))

  191. if fldr ~= nil then

  192. local func3

  193. func3 = fldr.pObj.Changed:Connect(function()

  194. if fldr.pObj.Value == nil then

  195. if EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then

  196. EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy()

  197. end

  198. func3:Disconnect()

  199. end

  200. end)

  201. end

  202. elseif plr.Team == player.Team then

  203. CreateEspBox(player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head"), Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0))

  204. elseif plr.Team ~= player.Team then

  205. CreateEspBox(player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head"), Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0))

  206. end

  207. end

  208. func1 = player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char)

  209. wait(1)

  210. if player.Character ~= nil then

  211. func2 = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:Connect(function()

  212. if EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then

  213. EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy()

  214. end

  215. end)

  216. end

  217. if EspEnabled == true then

  218. if plr.Team == nil or player.Team == nil or plr.Neutral == true or player.Neutral == true then

  219. CreateEspBox(char:FindFirstChild("Head"), Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0))

  220. elseif plr.Team == player.Team then

  221. CreateEspBox(char:FindFirstChild("Head"), Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0))

  222. elseif plr.Team ~= player.Team then

  223. CreateEspBox(char:FindFirstChild("Head"), Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0))

  224. end

  225. else

  226. if EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then

  227. EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy()

  228. end

  229. func2:Disconnect()

  230. func1:Disconnect()

  231. end

  232. end)

  233. if player.Character ~= nil then

  234. func2 = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:Connect(function()

  235. if EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then

  236. EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy()

  237. end

  238. end)

  239. end

  240. return

  241. end

  242. local function EnableEsp()

  243. if EspEnabled == true then

  244. for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do

  245. if v ~= plr then

  246. ConnectEsp(v)

  247. end

  248. end

  249. end

  250. end

  251. Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player)

  252. if EspEnabled == true then

  253. ConnectEsp(player)

  254. end

  255. end)

  256. Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player)

  257. if EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player.Name) then

  258. EspObjects:FindFirstChild(player.Name):Destroy()

  259. end

  260. end)

  261. UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(KEY, gpe)

  262. if gpe then return end;

  263. if KEY.KeyCode == _G.START_AIMBOT then

  264. if AIMBOT == false then

  265. AIMBOT = true

  266. SendMessage("Aimbot enabled.",

  267. "AimHot has been enabled.",

  268. 3,

  269. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  270. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  271. )

  272. elseif AIMBOT == true then

  273. AIMBOT = false

  274. SendMessage("Aimbot disabled.",

  275. "AimHot has been disabled.",

  276. 3,

  277. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  278. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  279. )

  280. end

  281. end

  282. if KEY.KeyCode == _G.START_ESP then

  283. if EspEnabled == false then

  284. SendMessage("ESP has been enabled.",

  285. "ESP enabled;",

  286. 3,

  287. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  288. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  289. )

  290. EspEnabled = true

  291. EnableEsp()

  292. while EspEnabled == true do

  293. ClearEsp()

  294. EnableEsp()

  295. wait(1)

  296. end

  297. elseif EspEnabled == true then

  298. SendMessage("ESP has been disabled.",

  299. "ESP disabled;",

  300. 3,

  301. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  302. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  303. )

  304. EspEnabled = false

  305. ClearEsp()

  306. end

  307. end

  308. end)

  309. RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()

  310. if (AIMBOT == true and plr.Character ~= nil and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and plr.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0) then

  311. local closestPart = GetClosestPlayer(false,{})

  312. if closestPart ~= nil then

  313. camera.CoordinateFrame =, closestPart.CFrame.p)

  314. if _G.AUTO_TRIGGER == true then

  315. mouse1click()

  316. end

  317. end

  318. end

  319. end)

  320. _G.AIMHOT_SECRETKEY = "dF10qLMn" --Not kind of secret but..

  321. local helptxt = (

  322. "AimHot loaded. Time taken: ".. tick()-startTime .."\n"..

  323. "AimHot made by Herrtt#3868." .."\n"..

  324. "Command prefix are: "..(_G.PREFIX) .."\n"..

  325. "Commands are;" .."\n"..

  326. "<prefix>maxdist <number> (counted in studs)" .."\n"..

  327. "<prefix>ignoreteam <bool> (true/false)" .."\n"..

  328. "<prefix>targetpart <string> (Head, Torso etc.)" .."\n"..

  329. "<prefix>addfriend <plrname> (ROBLOX, etc.)" .."\n"..

  330. "<prefix>removefriend <plrname> (ROBLOX, etc.)" .."\n"..

  331. "<prefix>changepref <newprefix>" .."\n"..

  332. "<prefix>friends" .."\n"..

  333. "<prefix>help" .."\n"..

  334. "/e reset (will set all settings to regular.)" .."\n"..

  335. "Have fun!"

  336. )

  337. plr.Chatted:Connect(function(msg)

  338. local pref = _G.PREFIX

  339. if type(pref) ~= "string" then

  340. print("Prefix must be a string!")

  341. end

  342. if string.sub(msg,1,8+pref:len()) == pref.."maxdist " then

  343. local maxdist = tonumber(string.sub(msg,9,msg:len()))

  344. if type(maxdist) == "number" then

  345. _G.MAX_DIST = maxdist

  346. SendMessage("Changed maxdist to; "..(tostring(maxdist)),

  347. "Setting Changed;",

  348. 3,

  349. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  350. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  351. )

  352. end

  353. end

  354. if string.sub(msg,1,11+pref:len()) == pref.."ignoreteam " then

  355. local setting = string.sub(msg,12,msg:len()):lower()

  356. print(setting)

  357. if setting == "true" or "false" then

  358. _G.IGNORE_TEAM = setting

  359. SendMessage("Changed ignoreteam to; "..(tostring(setting)),

  360. "Setting Changed;",

  361. 3,

  362. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  363. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  364. )

  365. end

  366. end

  367. if string.sub(msg,1,11+pref:len()) == pref.."targetpart " then

  368. local setting = string.sub(msg,12,msg:len())

  369. if type(setting) == "string" then

  370. _G.TARGET_PART = setting

  371. SendMessage("Changed targetpart to; "..(tostring(setting)),

  372. "Setting Changed;",

  373. 3,

  374. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  375. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  376. )

  377. end

  378. end

  379. if string.sub(msg,1,13+pref:len()) == pref.."removefriend " then

  380. local setting = string.sub(msg,14,msg:len())

  381. if type(setting) == "string" then

  382. for i,v in pairs(_G.FRIEND_LIST) do

  383. if v:lower() == setting:lower() then

  384. table.remove(_G.FRIEND_LIST,i)

  385. end

  386. end

  387. SendMessage("Removed player from friend list; "..(tostring(setting)),

  388. "Friend removed;",

  389. 3,

  390. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  391. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  392. )

  393. end

  394. end

  395. if string.sub(msg,1,10+pref:len()) == pref.."addfriend " then

  396. local setting = string.sub(msg,11,msg:len())

  397. if type(setting) == "string" then

  398. for i,v in pairs(_G.FRIEND_LIST) do

  399. if v == setting:lower() then

  400. return

  401. end

  402. end

  403. table.insert(_G.FRIEND_LIST,setting:lower())

  404. SendMessage("Added player to friend list; "..(tostring(setting)),

  405. "Friend added;",

  406. 3,

  407. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  408. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  409. )

  410. end

  411. end

  412. if string.sub(msg,1,7+pref:len()) == pref.."friends" then

  413. local friends = ""

  414. for i,v in pairs(_G.FRIEND_LIST) do

  415. if i == 1 then

  416. friends = v

  417. else

  418. friends = friends..", "..v

  419. end

  420. end

  421. SendMessage("Your friends are; " .."\n".. friends,

  422. "Your friends;",

  423. 3,

  424. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  425. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  426. )

  427. end

  428. if string.sub(msg,1,11+pref:len()) == pref.."changepref " then

  429. local setting = string.sub(msg,12+pref:len(),msg:len())

  430. if type(setting) == "string" then

  431. _G.PREFIX = setting

  432. SendMessage("Changed prefix to; "..setting,

  433. "Setting changed;",

  434. 3,

  435. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  436. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  437. )

  438. end

  439. end

  440. if string.sub(msg,1,4+pref:len()) == pref.."help" then

  441. SendMessage(helptxt,

  442. "AimHot by Herrtt#3868;",

  443. 3,

  444. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  445. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  446. )

  447. end

  448. if msg == "/e reset" then

  449. _G.FRIEND_LIST = {"ROBLOX","builderman"}

  450. _G.IGNORE_TEAM = true

  451. _G.START_AIMBOT = Enum.KeyCode.H

  452. _G.MAX_DIST = 5000

  453. _G.TARGET_PART = "Head"

  454. _G.PREFIX = "/e "

  455. SendMessage("All settings are set back to regular.",

  456. "Settings reseted.",

  457. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  458. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  459. )

  460. end

  461. end)

  462. SendMessage(helptxt,

  463. "AimHot by Herrtt#3868;",

  464. 3,

  465. Enum.FontSize.Size28,

  466. Color3.fromRGB(200,50,50)

  467. )

  468. _G.AIMHOT_VERSION = "4.0"

  469. --[[

  470. Made by PresidentIvan!

  471. --]]

  472. loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()



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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.